You may have a fear about falling asleep in the dentist chair, don't fret, it is not uncommon. Here, our Edmonton dentists provide some insight about falling asleep at the dentist and what it could mean.
Falling asleep at the dentist is usually a fortunate problem to have. If you're feeling relaxed and comfortable during your procedure - so much so that you are able to close your eyes and get some rest - there's no need to worry.
It's not uncommon for patients to drift off during a procedure, so your dentist won't be offended.
Daytime Sleepiness & Sleep Apnea
If you're falling asleep in the dentist chair, but it's not because you're just feeling comfortable and relaxed, let your dentist know. It could also be a sign that you're suffering from sleep apnea.
Daytime sleepiness can sometimes be a symptom of sleep apnea because it means you're not getting the restful, restorative sleep you need at night.
The good news is that your dentist is able to help treat sleep apnea, so you're already in the right place.
Dental Anxiety & Sedation
For a lot of patients, they are not able to relax let alone sleep during dental appointments because they are afraid or anxious.Dental anxiety is a common condition that many people experience when it comes to visiting the dentist.
It can prevent them from attending regular checkups and getting the dental care they need, ultimately having negative effects on their oral health. Some anxious patients require dental sedation in order to feel relaxed enough to attend their appointments.
So if you're feeling comfortable enough to fall asleep during an appointment, consider yourself lucky.